Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Hurricane Sandy

Tapestry during Hurricane Sandy - Click image for larger view
We were fortunate here in Pawtuxet Cove as the tides never got as high as predicted and we were well protected from the east wind. Tapestry road out the storm with ease and no harm was done. Others here in Rhode Island didn't fair as well as there was a lot of damage. This photo was taken by aiming my headlights toward the boat from the flooded parking lot. The water level got about three feet above the high tide mark. The pilings as the end of my finger piers only had a few feet left on them before the water began to recede. Our big fear was that the docks would have floated over the tops of the pilings.  The pilings along the main dock are much taller so I don't think we would have gone far.  I had put out extra storm lines and dropped the anchor off the bow. Sorry for the grainy shot but I pushed the ISO all the way up. There was no power here in the neighborhood so it was really dark.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Shirley's Mushroom

Shirley's Mushroom - click image for larger view
Sometimes you can spot the shot from a long way off. As I was driving into Shirley's driveway I saw this mushroom along side and immediately saw the color and composition and just what lens to use. Sometimes it works out like that.. mostly it doesn't.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Ben and Pappa, and Nana - Stacking Wood

We got a load of wood and moved it from the street to the patio and stacked it. Ben thought it would be a great idea to do a stop motion time lapse of all the incredible manly action. This video runs about 2 and a half minutes but spans about an hour and a half in real time.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Mount Hope Bridge Video Followup

So while I was at the Mount Hope bridge I took a lot of video and I edited together this two minute spot that we blasted out to our concrete customers. Good response so far. . . It is quite a process and I spoke to the site foreman today who said that they got a very good finished section, and they are really loving the Stik-It.