A quick early morning sketch of Tapestry |
Tapestry was launched late yesterday afternoon at Port Edgewood where she spent the winter up on jack stands. On my way home from work last night I stopped by and checked her out and recommissioned the engines and got the electrical system up and charging. During the night, of course, I thought of a thousand other things I should have checked so was up early and went down to the marina and checked everything out... she was perfectly fine, but as Captain of this fine ship, it is my job to worry. After I checked her out I did this quick sketch and headed out to work where I still had enough time in my morning to doodle a little more and sketched an old mill along th eWood River in Hope Valley.. I don't know the history of the building only that it says 1869 in a huge stone over the door in the tower.
Hope Valley Mill - 1869 |
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