Steppingstone Falls once again - click image to view panorama |
I got up early this morning to catch the sunrise at
Steppingstone falls, and got there a few minutes after the actual sunrise. Still too early in this hidden valley. And it was cold too. After about 20 minutes of scouting and shooting I realized just how poorly dress for this weather I was. When I left the house it was a balmy 45 degrees but down here in the great western woods of Rhode Island it was 33 degrees by the thermometer in the car. Bloody cold! I shot several stills and did some HDR panoramas and had planned to do some sketching but after a while my fingers just said no, so like the chilled coward I am, I headed back to the warmth of the car and searched for a place to sketch. I drove down through Wyoming and Hope Valley and retreated to the Bell School House once more. And sketched it from the other side - not as successful as I would like but I feel good that I added another page to my book. My goal is to fill the 120 pages of the sketchbook by the first of June.. I started it in early March and now it is the first of May and I am only half way through. . . gotta hustle.
Bell School House, Richmond, RI - Click image for larger view |
A view from the river bank looking down stream. - Click image for larger view |
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