Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Roadside shack

Roadside Shack- Wyoming, RI - Click image for larger view
I left the house a bit later than I had intended so I didn't have a lot f time this morning to sketch, only about a half an hour total. This little sketch was an experiment. I did a quick pencil sketch (with my new mechanical pencil 0.3 lead in an H hardness) and an experimental palette of Hansa Yellow, phthalo blue and cadmium red medium. I only had a short time to work on this and it turned out a little better than I thought it would. I hated it while I was painting feeling like all the colors got way too muddy too quickly. It is difficult for me to make a quick wash or passage in a limited number of strokes and I tend to overwork, loosing some of the freshness of what makes watercolor so great to work with. I need more detail in both foreground and background and feel like I should have gone for a bit more color in the shadows.

Pentel Graphlet 0.3 PG503 about 5 bucks at the art store

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