McCoy Stadium, Pawtucket - Click image for larger view |
Last night we went to the Paw Sox game at McCoy Stadium. Thanks Benny, who got the tickets from Mr. D, his music teacher. It was Gracies' birthday and the whole family went, what a treat. We had great seats and the light and the colors were just fantastic, I love night games. And the Paw Sox won 5 to 1 beating the Redwings once again. We had french fries and orange soda, mmmmmmmm. Although this drawing is NOT one of my best it was fun to sketch and watch the game.
Haven Methodist Church -Click image for larger view |
On Thursday morning Kathy and I got out sketching again and found this church on Taunton Avenue in East Providence. It is always fun to have company while sketching and some idle chatter. I have now completed 69 of the 75 drawings for the 75 Day Sketch Challenge...back to color soon.