Ok, so honestly, I have been a slacker over the past few weeks. I have left my blogging audience wonder just what kind of jerk I am. . . Well it just got away from me. I could give a lot of excuses like the Olympics are on, or the weather has been bad or whatever, but the truth is I have just been lazy. Oh, I have been sketching and posting the sketches to flickr but have just been neglecting this blog. I will try to do better, well maybe. Here are a few from the past few weeks.
One from Tuesday at breakfast - Click image for larger view |
The picture above generated a lot of comments on a Facebook group I belong to..some liked the sketch while others commented on the fact that Christopher and I have been going to breakfast every week for a long time..26 years… yikes!
Mystic Seaport - Click image for larger view |
Had a great weekend in Mystic and Groton CT - took the grand kids and played..we needed that.
Wyoming Post Office - Click image for larger view |
Sometimes when time is limited I doodle little things - like this truck sneaking around the corner at the Post Office
Bulldog - Click Image for larger view |
And a design for a tattoo to hand out at a tradeshow - original sketch and finished it up on the computer with Adobe Illustrator.
You can always find my sketches up on Flickr - the link is over on the right hand side of this page.