Utility Pole - Click Image for larger view |
I am still sketching every morning but it is getting harder to fit it in my day as darkness is encroaching on my sketching time. This morning I sketched the pole (sketch above) from the front seat of my car, in the rain. As I arrived in Hope Valley I was visually struck by all the poles and wire running down along Main Street and felt that they obscured my view. I looked harder and realized that each pole had it own personality. Like so many things in life they just needed a second glance.
Old Barn in Hope Valley - Click Image for larger view |
In my childhood I was a big fan of the books of Eric Sloane. He fill my imagination with visions of a simple life and barns and old tools with his wonderful ink sketches. I think at one point I owned every one of his books and I would lay in my room and read them over and over. It has been fifty years since then and I am just now beginning to appreciate just how much of an influence he has had on my art and my thinking. Thank you Mr. Sloane.
Old Stone Bank, Providence - Click Image for larger view |
My artist frind Kathy and I have been getting out and sketching early in the morning, and one day we met down on South Main Street in Providence and tackled the buildings there. We meet at 6:00 am which I know somehow seems uncivilized to some, but it works for me and I am grateful that Kathy has the willingness to join me from time to time. I always learn so much when we sketch together.
Polo Field, Middletown - Click Image for larger view |
This last image I did while we were at a polo match (Newport won) in Middletown. The view is of the field and the spectators on the far side, their tents and all the flags of the different countries that come to play on this field. Now for full disclosure, there were horses and riders going up and down the field. I am a coward - and left them out - I can only imagine the mess I would have made on my paper if I attempted to sketch them.